Friday, July 26, 2019

So I burned some hormemade tortilla chips that I made up for my one client with disabilities.

The other week at my one client with disabilities's, I went to go make up some homemade tortilla chips for her, but I ended up burning them a bit since I was also trying to bake something else in the oven at the same time and I didn't quite realize the effects of the variance in the temperatures and the time.

When she started eating, I checked with her, and though she was nice about it, she admitted that they were burned, and that she'd rather not eat them.

Since I hate food waste and I had brought up a forty-cent pack of tortillas from my own grocery store shopping that she had paid for and we had only used like half of them, I said I'd eat them myself since they weren't all that bad, and that I'd "credit twenty cents to your bill, Ma'am."

She laughed at that, and then since she has a perverse sense of humor, I made a joke like I was submissive, that I had probably purposefully burned the tortilla chips, so she could berate me and I could end up eating all the burnt ones in front of her while she watched.

She laughed at that for a while, and then she said that she could also cast them on the floor, so I could get on my hands and knees and eat them up off the carpet.

. . .


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