Monday, May 20, 2019

Resthome black humor (2 of 2): My comment.

A few weeks earlier, after listening a lot to the one resthome resident who's been ready to die already for a while but can't, we talked some more, and I just shook my head at how much she wants to die but just can't.

"I want to not wake up tomorrow, but I do, every day" she was like, seriously, speaking very slowly like she usually does now.

"Ugh, that's awful," I was like.

Then, I was like, "I know it sucks that you try and you try but you're still here everyday, but remember, [her first name], all it takes is once."

She got a chuckle out of that.

I'm not always flippant with her like that every time we talk, but I sense her out, and if she seems like she's in the mood for some black humor like the kind she herself occasionally makes, I drop a joke in if it feels right to me.

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