Thursday, April 4, 2019

Rest home coworkers (4 of 4): My one Mexican coworker.

The other week, my one (Mexican) coworker brought in a plastic shopping bag from Target and pulled out of it a big bag of corn puffs, which she opened up and dumped in a bowl.

She then pulled out a bottle of Tapatio hot sauce that she had brought in with her from home, and she opened it up and shook some hot sauce over the top of the corn puffs and then stood the bottle up by the bowl in case anyone wanted to add some more, after they had snacked the ones off the top of the bowl.

She then said that it's a snack in Mexico, and she wanted to share it.

She then left that food sitting out on the middle of the table in the office where everyone brings in food and leaves it sometime, as a nice thing we do for each other.

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