Sunday, January 27, 2019

My mumbling produces a misheard phrase.

The other week when I went to go work at my one assisted living job with my one client with disabilities, her sister was leaving and she gave me a few short instructions on stuff to do, including finishing up the laundry but making sure that I didn't put this one red polo shirt into the dryer.

She got distracted for a sec, and then when she turned her attention back to me, I made sure I repeated back to her her instructions about the "red polo shirt," but I mumbled and she got confused and asked me like "What...?", and then I said the stuff about the "red polo shirt" again, and then she was like, "Oh, I thought you said 'Polish herb.'"

We both chuckled, and then I laughed and said that the Polish herb must be when you smoke up and then go get those really cheap microwave pierogis to go and eat.

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