Thursday, November 29, 2018

A night-time ride on the subway one night after work:

At one end of the car a man is stretched out and sleeping, and at the other end of the car there's a (20-something) (black) guy in shorts with his legs showing and smelling all like BO, for like a third of the car, and in one of the forward-facing seat pairs there's this (early 30-something) (white) couple with their arms around each other.

Later, a(n older) (black) guy gets on dragging a wheelie suitcase with bundles on it behind him, and he goes down to sit at the end of the car with the BO guy, and his head is shaven and he's wearing sunglasses and he has this boil or something about the size of a giant gumball on the back right of his head, just sticking out to the point where the skin is stretched and a little lighter around the edges.

Even later, the car fills up more, and this (older) (dreaded) (haggard) (black) guy gets on, and he sits at different places in the car and talks with folks like the (white) couple, and makes them uneasy.

When he's in my part of the car, he cracks open a beer can, and sits near a (younger) (black) couple, and says that he hopes that they're making babies.

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