Monday, September 10, 2018

My one lawyer friend from Missouri is dating a very young guy.

So, my one lawyer friend from Missouri is dating a very young guy.

She's like 40 and he's like 26, and she met him at the local bar in her neighborhood, where she goes sometimes and he has been bartending since recently.

They had hung out forever as friends, and then they started dating even though he was thinking of moving back to the part of the country where he's from, but then he didn't and he even ended up moving in with her, the first time that she's ever lived with a guy.

Anyhow, I had been a bit out of touch with her for like over a month and I had thought that they were through since he had decided to move back to the part of the country where he's from, but then she joins me and my mom for drinks when my mom's in town visiting, and it turns out that he's living with her.

So, I kind of tuned out of the conversation for a bit, and then after 2 beers my mom was giving my one lawyer friend from Missouri relationship advice, and was calling the young guy her "man child."

Also, my one lawyer friend said that when she was talking to her parents, she told them that he was 27, since he'll be turning 27 in like three or four months, so it's close enough.

I laughed at that, since it's almost like when you have a six year old putting their hands on their hips and bragging that they're "six and three-quarters," since they're older in their head and they're trying to claim it as much as they can.

My one lawyer friend comes off as very youthful, though, and she's had people think she's in her early 30s, which she totally could be.

The other day at her neighborhood bar, too, this one regular who's 43 said that she totally wouldn't get something because she's too young, she said.

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