Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The mystery of the thumps from the upstairs neighbors.

So, sometimes in the morning, I'd hear these weird thumps coming from upstairs, like one or two in quick succession, and since I'd been working 2nd shift and would be ass tired and sleeping in a lot of times, if they woke me up like nine or ten in the morning, I'd yell out, "Be quiet!".

Then, I think they went away.

Like a week or two after that happened, I was talking with my one upstairs neighbor and he was like, 'We finally figured out what was making that noise."

It turned out to be some old dumpy computer chair that the guy who lived above me had, and it wasn't that good anyways and they had been planning to throw it out, so they threw it out.

Isn't that nice of them?

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