Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Drunken confession of someone who I found out was (still is?) an evangelical.

The other week I went out to the suburbs and caught up with a (middle-class) (Republican) (white) guy who I know from college, who I haven't seen in years.

First off, I found out that he was raised evangelical, which I had no idea about at all.

Second off, towards the end of our evening of drinking, he told me that all during college, he was secretly reading books about the historical Jesus, and that no-one knew at all...

Honestly, evangelicals can be freaky like that.  Their deconverting is totally like "a thing."

Imagine him, going into a big college library and just checking out these books about something so mundane, and having it be all weird and forbidden, just because he made it like that.

Evangelicals really do have such a weird headspace, sometimes.  I really just don't get the appeal of their tradition, a lot of times.

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