Saturday, December 23, 2017

Flashback to a massive and memorable dump.

The other week, I flashed back to a massive and memorable dump that I took at my one friend from high school's house, on my short weekend trip the other month where I went for a weekend to go see her and her family.

I didn't really shit on the first day of my trip, since I had to get up so early to get on the train, and since I didn't really shit for the rest of that day either, because I had been having so much coffee to keep me awake, that it dehydrated me and must have made shit formation harder down in my bowels.

Then, the next day, I took a *massive* dump in the toilet, before brushing my teeth.

After taking it, I felt like I had to go a little bit more, but I sat there a minute or two with nothing happening, so then I got up to wipe and look at it.

Honestly, it was like a giant red football (from some artificial coloring in wine that we were drinking?), and I was amazed at both its color and its bulk and how cohesive and firm it just looked.

Then, I began brushing my teeth, and about halfway through, I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom again, and I tried to ignore it, but it just kept getting more and more urgent, so I stopped and I set my toothbrush down and I went to go shit again, and it's like a bunch of wet shit pieces just flew out, and when I got up to look, it was like a large bowl of like large shit confetti, since it wasn't loosey-goosey shit that churned up the water, but more like a lot of little discrete pieces that for some reason weren't sticking together, but were all around the same size and floating around the same distance apart for like over half the surface area of the toilet.

At that, I was rather astounded.

First of all, why couldn't I shit that at the same time as the other shit, just a few minutes earlier?

And, how could the two shits be such different consistencies, when they must have been sitting on top of each other in my bowels?!

It really is mind-boggling, and such a memorable shit.

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