Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Landlord brusqueness.

The other Sunday night at like 9pm, I had gotten back from the beach and was heading out to go to the grocery store before it closed at 10pm, and for the first time ever in my life, I accidentally locked myself out of my apartment.

So, I called my landlord, and he was *pissed*, and he said something about how everyone else was locking themselves out lately, and he should start charging $25 for it, and when he came over I said I was sorry, but he said that he didn't want to hear about it.

Anyhow, the next day he called me when I was at work, but I didn't pick up and he left no message.

On Tuesday, the same thing, and afterwards he texted to call him.

So, I said something about how I was starting a new job, and would call during a break, and I called him later.

He said to get keys made and hide them so it wouldn't happen again, and then he was very apologetic and said that he had gone to bed early and I had woken him up, so that if he said anything, he was half-asleep and didn't mean it.

I felt so relieved afterwards; I was actually worried that he was still pissed at me.

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