Tuesday, August 15, 2017

A dream of nail-painting.

The other week, I dreamnt -

I'm sitting behind a nondescript table, and I'm slowly painting the nails of my left hand a dull, pale yellow.

Then, I have to go somewhere, and I realize that I'll go with only my left nails painted.

Also, for some reason my hand looks really really broad and my fingernails are stubby, but it's my hand, and I don't even think that my hand looks different from normal or isn't my hand, in my dream.

And then, I wake up.

. . .

(Like three of the [young] [white] [male] undergrads who work at the library around campus paint their nails, I've noticed; my hunch is that it's an edgy virtue-signalling gender thing for progressive men to do, and not tied to gayness or anything.)

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