Monday, June 12, 2017

A secret plan of my mother's.

The other week I was talking with my mom, and she was telling me about her plans for when she goes and visits my uncle (her brother).

Since my parents have been taking care of my brother's dog and the dog is getting old and arthritic, my mom was thinking that this foam mat that we all hate when we go and visit my uncle and no-one uses would be perfect for the dog, especially since my uncle never gets any other overnight out-of-town visitors.

"So I'm going to take my scissors and ask him," she was like.  "And if he says no, I'll wait until he goes to bed and has his oxygen tank on, and then I'll snip a section off anyways."

She then said that he's so forgetful and absent-minded, that he'll never notice.

"What else is a sister good for?", she was like.

She sounded like she was having fun planning the escapade all out, too.

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