Thursday, February 23, 2017

Tweeting like Italo Calvino.

The other Sunday I realized that I hadn't heard from my one friend who teaches modern (Czech) literature in a while, so I texted her to see how she was doing.

It turns out that she was getting over a cold, and so I texted back that I was getting over a cold too and had started to read Italo Calvino, and I wasn't into it all that much at first, but I wasn't sure if it was the cold or me.

To which she replied -

I think it's related to the cold but it's also maybe that Calvino had the same cold.

- to which I replied -

The words on your phone are creating an impression that this "I" your friend may have or may have just gotten over a cold.

- to which she replied -

Nice one, I!

- to which I replied -

I like Calvino texting.

- to which she replied -

He's so cute when he's texting.

. . .


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