Friday, November 4, 2016

Income inequality on campus.

Just the other day my freshman writing supervisor said that the gap between the "haves" and the "have nots" on campus is getting wider in society and is now becoming much more visible on campus, too...

I had had some very weird dynamics last year in sections where students were treating me like a servant in evaluations, and after I did some (tactful) pedagogy on income inequality (treat feedback like any other, be non-judgmental, clue in larger contexts, all in less than 5 minutes so as to not use up much classtime at all), 2 students complained to the prof, who bitched me out for it and left a nasty note in my file, I guess.

(The supervisor was on board with my pedagogy btw, and was surprised at both the student complaint and what the prof did; interestingly, a secondary supervisor had suggested last spring that the key number was "two", and the students complaining to the professor was likely a result of 2 very young people talking together one day after class or sometime and egging each other on until it escalated to a complaint.)

Anyhow, I can completely agree with that...  Both with teachers and students, money is mattering more and more.

I mean, honestly, 2 rich kids bitch to a rich prof who sides with them?

Gag me, I just want to vomit.

Anyhow, they just built a new luxury dorm, and not only is it that every time I see it I think "they built that off my back," but also that they have street-level shops in it and one custom bikeshop sells $400 messenger bags, some undergrad said on Facebook.


I'm so glad I'm getting the f*ck out of higher ed.

It's just more and more like a service industry catering to the wealth, and more and more it's making me think, "What the f*ck, are we back in the f*cking eighteenth century where I'm a tutor dependent on an aristocratic family?".

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