Friday, August 26, 2016

Change in my morning bike commute to school.

At the place where a diagonal street begins on my route into school, the city cut off traffic by creating a small park with a fountain.

Because it's easier to wait for a walk signal and go across the intersection and on sidewalks through the small park to pick up that diagonal street, versus go down the street farther and face a bunch of traffic in order to make a lefthand turn, I usually do that on all the mornings when I bike into school.

Though, for some odd reason there's a huge chunk out of the pavement right in front of where the sidewalk meets the street where I go to pick it up in order to go through the park, and so I have to bike carefully around it in order to get on the sidewalk.

The other day as I was biking in, though, it turns out that that gap had been filled in with pavement!

City road crews must have been out since the last time I commuted in, I figured.

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