Sunday, July 3, 2016

Political Observations: Polarization, Clinton's Campaign.

The other week at a networking event downtown, I was talking with this (slightly older) (seemingly eccentric) (black) guy who it turns out worked in state government and is a political junkie.

He said that down at the capitol, there's always been Democratic bars and Republican bars, but the past number of years it's been so bad, "It's like the Hatfields and the McCoys."

He also said that if you don't see James Carville anywhere, it's because he's in a backroom somewhere working for the Clintons, gathering up dirt to drop on Trump.

"He's plotting, I know it, Trump won't even know what hit him," he was like.  "Vetted?  They'll be digging up stuff he did in the third grade."

He said he can't wait to see what happens.

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