Sunday, February 7, 2016

Odd conversation at a bar: Meditator.

So, the other long weekend when my one (straight) (BDSM) friend was in town, I got together with him in groups of people a couple of times, the 2nd time the night before he left at this old timey bar hanging on in a hipster neighborhood by appealing to the new clientele with bottled craft beer and its dingy atmosphere and shit.

He was meeting with a mutual documentary maker friend who I know through him, so I hung out with them, then another friend of his showed up with his visiting girlfriend in tow, this smiley vaguely ethnic (brown skinned) girl who when she introduced herself said what seemed to be her (hispanic) name with an accent, though her English was perfect.

As we talked, it turns out that she had grown up in small town southern Michigan and now lived in California, and was going to the Southwest to deepen her meditation practice.

So, I started asking around about that, and we talked for over an hour very intensely, while the other people in the group socialized apart.

When I mentioned something I had read about impermanence and a book about a Buddhist nun where this one English woman at a very young age realized that everyone would die, the girl said that one time when she was like 6, she was in the basement in her home walking on the treadmill, and all of a sudden she realized that both of her parents would die and she just began crying loudly and no-one could understand, and that she had to tell herself that when that happened, her grandparents and other people would step in to take care of her.

Later, I asked her if she ever encountered evil forces when she went deep.

She said that sometimes she feels something, and she just remains present and with time the forces "go through masks".

Sometimes, too, one remains wrong, but it's not so much evil, but it's rather something that needs to learn to heal, and so she wishes that outcome for the being.

When I told her about the weird oppressive experience that both me and my one (Dutch) friend had had years ago at the headquarters of this well known meditation group that's a bit cult-y, she said that her teacher had mentioned them the other day, and that their desire for levitation is wrongly directed since they're too concerned with marvels, and that they'll likely come back as birds in the next life.

And, b/c I described the weird oppressive experience in depth, she was like, "Now you made me want to go there even less."

And she laughed.

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