Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Double yolk mystery solved?

So, I made another omelette the other day, and again all 3 eggs were all double-yolked.

I realized that maybe it's because I whack the eggs hard against the edge of the pan, and if the pan edge digs deep enough, it causes the yolk to split into 2 as it falls into the pan.


But then, if that was the case, wouldn't the yolks be broken, and they'd bleed everywhere?

The yolks really are double yolks, each discrete and unbleeding.

The other alternative, though, is that I had 2 really freaky coincidental omelettes made of double-yolked eggs in a row.

Which could be linked to industrial farming or some shit, though I get free range eggs?

Who the eff knows any more.

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