Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Re-hash - New Year's Eve at my bar job.

The memories:

1) With a(n interracial) couple (white husband, black wife), the (older) (black) wife had one party hat with gold trim and another with silver, and since she was wearing the silver to match her jewelry, she later took the gold and gave it to another lady in deep blue across the room.

"I just had to do that," she was like.  "It looks like it was made for her!".

2) This (late 30s) (black) couple ask me to take a picture, and when the guy takes off his floppy eared winter hat for it, I tell him to put it back on, since it'd be cute, and he does that for the second picture, and his girlfriend tugs the ears for the camera...

"That is a cute picture!", the girl was like.  "They both are."

"The one with the hat is the one I'd Facebook," I was like.

The guy also turns out to like sweet drinks, and I recommended a specialty fruit sangria that he likes so much, he has three, and I make sure to get a fourth to him right before open bar closes through punching his order in on one of my other tickets (the table technically had a different server, so I couldn't access their check through the seating software).

3) This (young) (Indian) couple comes in like forty minutes before New Year's and wanted to make the most out of the open bar deal, so I made sure to get them their drinks ASAP, flag down the bartender to get them Long Islands at the first possible chance to get their next drinks, and then I reminded them to get a drink order in 5 min. before open bar closed.

"This bar is awesome," the guy of the couple told me when he left.

After that, I made sure to thank the bartender who stopped what he was doing to make the Long Islands, and he didn't even remember it, he had been so inundated with drink orders.

He was still happy to hear he made some customers nights, though.

4) Post-midnight after the open bar deadline expired and the drink rush ended, this one (younger) (chubby) (Latina) waitress told all of us servers by the drink station, "Huddle!", and then when we did, she chugged a half finished martini she was clearing from one of the tables.

5) After we had closed up like 2:30am and the manager told everyone they could get a free bottle of  beer from the bar, some of us were sitting around a booth drinking and out of nowhere this one (middle-aged) (Latino) busser who I assumed was pretty much monolingual Spanish was like, "Some of these servers just don't know how to bust their ass."

. . .

I find it so refreshing to be around my bar job coworkers.  Even their worries seem taken less seriously.  The (younger) (chubby) (Latina) waitress who chugged the leftover martini was saying that she didn't have quite enough money to pay her rent the next day, and she seemed so calm about it.

I can learn from people like her.

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