Sunday, November 1, 2015

Flashback to rest-stop break in August...

My bustrip back from my 1st vacation of the summer got majorly delayed, since first there was a tire slightly leaking air that took 4-5 hours to get replaced before we even headed off, and then there was road construction causing a detour and adding another 45min. on when we were several hours out from arrival.

At one point after the road construction, we were all so late, that the (black) (female) replacement driver just pulled off the road to a roadside reststop, and as we were deboarding and she was saying that the stop was just ten minutes, she was all out loud like, "I'm sorry, but I just have to stop..."

Then, as a group of us were walking up to the rest stop, me and her struck up a conversation, and b/c I brought up the initial tire delay, we got on the subject of bus emergencies.

She said a number of trips ago, these semi drivers were blasting past her, and they were flicking a lighter on in the window and pointing back.

At first, she thought that they were just fucking with her, but then she realized that a back tire was on fire.

"Oh," I was like.  "For a second there, I thought you were going to say that they were holding up signs saying 'SHOW YOUR TITS!'".

"You crazy," she was like.  "And then the next be one, he like, 'NO, COVER 'EM UP, COVER 'EM UP!'".

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