Tuesday, September 15, 2015

One perspective on Ultra-Catholics chastity-encouraging girlswear.

So, over my vacation, I visited this one Ultra-Catholic monastery, which had many highlights, and the highlight of the giftshop was this evangelical-flavored uber-pink girls t-shirt that said something like “Maria Goretti’s Girl Club – Chastity Forever!”.

The punchline of that is that Maria Goretti is this really effed up early 20th c. Italian saint, who as a teenager refused a rapist b/c it’d be a mortal sin, and b/c of that was stabbed 14 times and died.

I was telling that to this one (Italian) I know from the city and this one (older) (white) (female) eccentric bar acquaintance of his, and she was like, “Hon, you need more than a t-shirt.”

. . .

And, too, about the monastery, which was very very elaborate and focused on worship rituals to all else, the (Italian) guy was like, “Man, so much money for so much bullshit.”

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