Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hospital (2 of 4): Veins.

When the nurses were going to get the IV in me,

the first prominent vein in my arm didn't work all of a sudden


the second vein deep in my arm they couldn't quite find


the third vein elsewhere deep in my arm they couldn't quite find, and as they moved the needle around it was like someone was stirring a small knife in my flesh as my flesh resisted


and finally they just the vein near my elbow, where they usually draw blood.

That night when I was in bed and about to go to sleep, I thought about how bad the pain was from the 3rd time that they tried to find my vein, and how even though I could barely deal with pain of that level - I started involuntarily moaning and saying "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck" - that torture would be much, much worse, and how I probably couldn't stand up to torture like POWs and other people who've faced it.

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