Saturday, January 24, 2015

Cold, Tired.

My health was really funky around New Year’s.

I don’t like going out New Year’s Eve – too many drunks, too much gunfire – and so I stayed in and relaxed and listened to a folk radio program and did crosswords and read.

That morning when I had woken up, though, I was chilled and shivering.

Into New Year’s Day, I couldn’t get to sleep for the life of me though I was tired, and I woke up feeling like I was all beat up, so I lazed around all day and napped on my couch and treated myself to soup at a nearby Chinese restaurant.

That night again I was tired but couldn’t sleep, and my bed was always too hot or too cold and I kept waking up (maybe from drinking too much tea at the Chinese place?; I drank the whole metal pot, I hate waste).

The next day I had to go to work on my syllabi all day and I freshened up when I got out into the sunshine-y winter day, so I biked into school, worked until late, hit the gym for a light workout (though I felt a bit lightheaded at times), then met a friend and her girlfriend for dinner at a bar (I just had a grilled cheese and some fries and kept hydrating with tonic water and regular water).

The next day, I woke up again feeling like I overdid it, but I felt better when I went outside and went to a friend’s quitting-her-job-of-fourteen-years get together, and before that I even hit up a few new bars and read a good cult book over a leisurely beer.

Again, next day, tired and sore, with the glands under my throat still swollen, and a bit of a sore throat from mild post-nasal drip.

Overall, it seems like I was just fighting something off repeatedly, but never enough to beat it.

Also, my sleep was interrupted a lot during that period; the young kid who lives above me has been very noisy of late, throwing stuff on the floor in the morning and running around and doing something that sounds like running big toy trucks back-and-forth on the floor, which prevented me from every sleeping in a few extra hours past 8 or 8:30 am (and if I did, it was only after he left around 10am, which meant I wouldn’t get up till like noon on those days).

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