Monday, November 17, 2014


I forgot -

The (older) (ethnically Hungarian) (South American) woman had also been complaining about how conservative the Catholic speakers on campus are, and when I told her how that one speaker had shut me down when I asked about lesbian nuns, she was like, "At the next lecture, you come sit next to me."

I also forgot -

2 times ago in the lecture series, the (hispanic) boyfriend of my one (Asian-Canadian) friend came too, and at the reception afterwards I could see a staff photographer positioning himself to snap a picture of all 3 of us talking.

"More to the right, more to the right, get the epicanthal fold," I said as if I was the photographer voicing his thoughts, as he went to get more of my one (Asian-Canadian) friend in the shot.

"But my skin is brown from every angle," his (hispanic) boyfriend said, a bit uncomfortably and seeming like he was not all cool with the joke, which my one (Asian-Canadian) friend nevertheless found very funny.

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