Saturday, July 5, 2014

Another dream: Hometown conference center.

A few days later I dreamt that I was in a new conference center on my hometown's northeast outskirts, on the way out to the public high school where I had taken music and language classes.

The conference center was lodged in a hill and had high ceilings going up to glass through which darkness was visible, and had a sharp slope (like a 45 degree angle) that eased around to a lower entrance, and all the rooms had Native American names (the one by the lower entrance was named the "Tekakwitha Room", for example).

I wasn't sure how to get to the public high school, so I went out the entrance at the upper end and walked in heavy boots for like twenty minutes in the dark through a dead cornfield with hacked off stalks that were never taller than my knee.

After that, I felt like I was going in the wrong direction, so I turned around and made my way back to the conference center.  I was going down the incline towards the lower entrance but suddenly wasn't sure if that was the right way either, so I turned around and approached two teenage (low class) (white) girls who were standing around by the entrance to one conference room midway down the incline.

"Yeah, you were going the wrong way before," the first girl was like, affirming that I should go through the lower entrance and walk out from there to get to the high school.

"I'm surprised you didn't know that," the second girl then added, snottily.

"What the fuck," I said to the second girl, "I'm just asking directions, I don't need your attitude."

Later, I was at the public high school and was going to the band room where I had played back in high school, in order to join some big instrumental group that was meeting there.

I edged around the hallway and kept looking into the big main rehearsal room, though.

Then, I woke up.

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