Sunday, May 25, 2014

Loud neighbors: Called the police.

A few weeks ago I had gotten like less than six hours of sleep 2 nights in a row over the Thursday and the Friday night, and then on Saturday night 2 houses away a Mexican family had a quinceanara (sp.?) party in their backyard, with a DJ in their garage and bright primary colored red, green, and blue strobelights rotating around, you could see through the open garage door.

And, the bass was so loud, that even from 2 houses away, the frames in my bedroom window shook.

And, my roommate, whose room faces away towards the front of the house, could hear everything there.

And, the bass was even extremely palpable in the bathroom, which is in the interior of the house.

So, I just waited around, and finally called the cops when I knew I would be turning in.

They showed up just around midnight, and had them turn down the music and close the garage door.

I felt a bit dickish since it was some 15-year old girl’s party, but on the other hand the music was crazy loud...

In barhopping I've seen that in Mexican neighborhoods, where families have incredibly loud DJed outdoor parties late at night, so it does seem like it's maybe a cultural thing, where people do that and no-one complains.

Also, I wonder if the family even had the money to rent a hall, or if they just had money for a DJ but no hall.

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