Thursday, March 13, 2014

Texts about my one friend's baby.

My one friend from high school who runs an integrated homelessness/domestic violence shelter's daughter had been teething and keeping her up a few weeks ago, so the other week I sent her a text to see what was up w/that, and she said her daughter had been over it, but was back teething now like mad even though she only had 2 teeth to show for it, and was crawling everywhere and getting into everything and was saying "dadda" a lot.

I then texted her back something to the effect of -

"dadda"?! wtf?  patriarchy gets them young.  doesn't she see who's doing all the work?

- to which my one friend responded back w/"lol" or something like that.

I then texted back again, that I hoped her next words were "equal pay for equal work", to which my friend responded -

The other day I swear she told me "my body my choice" When I said it was time to change her diaper

- to which  I wrote back if she had been sleep-deprived etc., and what the heck happened where she could have thought that.

Then, my friend wrote back -

Dude...  She only says Dadda

. . .

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