Monday, November 18, 2013

Two horrifying dreams (1 of 2): Vampires.

Me and someone else are fleeing a group of vampires like the kind from “Twilight”, where they wear nice simple moddish clothes and move super fast...  The terrain is hilly covered with scattered trees and patches of snow like the terrain where me and my one (Dutch) friend had hiked in Missouri one time, and me and the other person are running ahead on the dirt path, and we encounter someone who says not to go straight ahead, but rather climb up the very steep side of the hill and hide in a tree and that way we can definitely avoid the vampires. 

So, somehow we do that - we are up at the top right after he says that - and are in this tree at the very top of the hill where the slope is drastic on either side, and the other person is out on a further limb, and as we look down the steep hill, we see the group of vampires small and distant down there, just the top of their heads, mostly, as they pause and look at our tracks and dispute, their little arms so far away down there jerking up angrily here and there first one and then another as they argue about which way to go.  They then begin to move up the path away from us, as I can see the top of their heads and small small bodies – and then the limb the other person is on breaks and she falls down and down to the vampires, who group around her, while one suddenly stares up and sees me, and in a flash darts up the hill towards me, almost flying directly at me in what seems like a single leap the entire distance.

It’s then that I know that I’ll die at his hands, and so I look off the cliff behind the tree, which at the top  has what looks like an embedded rustic wall of stones like a seawall from the 1950s, and I decide to cast myself down it, and as I throw myself away from the tree and go down a few feet and begin to hurtle back down toward the canyon, my arms and legs loose and trailing behind my body, and my face towards my knees as I jackknife – I wake up, with a huge clutch in my chest, and lying on my back, my torso actually flying several inches up, in shock, as my eyes are wide open and unblinking, and I’m in abject horror.

It was too much mentally to commit suicide in my dream?

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