Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Memories of St. Louis (4 of 5): Trip planning.

Since my cell phone service can sometimes be shitty at my new apartment, I went outside and sat on a fire hydrant at the corner when I was talking with my Dutch friend and planning details for my trip.

Then, an SUV went by – fast, but not too too fast – and this little (white) dog walked out like a third of the block down, and the SUV clipped the dog’s hind legs, and the dog started just barking and whining horrendously, to the point where my one (Dutch) friend could hear it all over the phone, and then when a woman came out from the porch to stand by the dog, a window opened up shortly after, and this adolescent girl’s voice just lets out this piercing, unending scream of horror on top of the poor suffering dog’s barks and whines, and neither stops, both just goes on and on and on, and my one (Dutch) friend could hear it all in the background over the phone.

So, I got up and moved.

Cars move fast in my new neighborhood – people aren’t good drivers, and a pedestrian was killed on a decently major street like half a block west of me this fall.

I think it’s the Chinese and Mexicans and working class whites who drive everywhere (bad cultural habits, and to some extent them being bullies with their cars).

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