Sunday, July 14, 2013

Stretched Thin.

I am stretched thin this summer:

- summer classical music festival.
- bars!.
- the beach.
- finishing up my dissertation chapter.
- trying to turn a chapter that won’t appear in my dissertation into 2 articles.
- mental health first aid training (12 hours over 2 days).
- 40 hours of unpaid job training to teach in the college’s writing program next year.
- tutoring my 2 remaining language students (at least 1 session for 1 student a week).

I really can’t afford to go back home to visit my parents until mid-August, when things start to die down (unpaid job training is over, the 2 articles will hopefully be done by then too).

I really do have a lower quality of life than other grad students with spousal income, who can afford to take time off more often.

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