Thursday, May 23, 2013

Evening of Barhopping from Several Months Ago (2 of 2): Conversation with a young (white) guy from Alabama.

A few bars after that, I was at this chain bar and the NCAA playoffs were on, and during a commercial break I started chit-chatting with this young bearded (white) guy from Alabama, who was a rare (straight) screenwriting major at an arts-inclined local college downtown.

After we had talked about this and about that, I asked him if it was true that (white) guys from the South had a thing for (black) women, since it was more forbidden down there.

“Why do you think that?”, he drawled.

“Oh,” I was like, “I have a friend from Mississippi, and he’s said as much, so I’ve always wondered.”

“Well, not that I know of,” he was like.

Then, he added, “Though, I’ll admit, the first time I slept with a black girl, I texted my brother,” and he put on a dude voice and made a texting motion with his thumbs and was like, “Hey, you’ll never guess what I did...”

He also said that it’s great to be a (straight) guy in art school, since people are very free, but it can be a culture shock.

“I’m used to drumming naked on a beach and forming a bond with women,” he was like, “But I visited a friend at Notre Dame, and people get drunk and fuck women in the backrooms at parties, there’s no bond, there’s no connection.  Some girl even tried to drag me in the back room.”

Then, he added, “I went, and we had fun, but it’s not what I’m used to.”

Then, he was like, “What a slut.”

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