Sunday, March 31, 2013

2nd year of barhopping congratulations: Various text messages.

Many people who I know are enthused by my barhopping project.  Because I love to text, I send out mass notices to 50+ people at my major milestones (e.g. 1st year of barhopping, 1000 bars, 2 years of barhopping).

These were some of the responses back I got to my text notice (in order of reception):

1) From my one soft-spoken Ph.D. student friend from Iowa:

Congrats !!!!

2) From my one (Puerto Rican) professor friend:

!Extraordinario hermano!  Eres todo un pro.

3) From my one minister friend who’s a stand-up comic and who I co-taught a church class with a few years ago:

You’re a madman.  Stay strong.

4) From my one (Puerto Rican) friend who studies political science:


5) From my one friend from Missouri who I know through my one lawyer friend from Missouri:

Congratulations, [the initials of my 1st and last names]!!

Then, in a follow-up text:

V impressive

6) From my one friend from college who did her Ph.D. in public health:


7) From an (originally from Wisconsin) friend who used to date my one friend from Buffalo:

Holy shit.  How are you not an alcoholic.

8) From this radio guy I’m friends with because he was dating my one (Irish) artist friend:

Holy shit!  Congratulations

9) From my one friend from college who’s an actuary:

Sweet congrats!  So are you retiring now?

10) From my one modern Czech literature professor friend:

That’s a good record, but you can do better!  Drop and give me 50!

11) From my one Ph.D. student friend who’s a short story writer and very fervently intense and also loves to hang out and drink in bars and meet people:

Damn.  1203 unique bars.  How many are there in the greater [name of the city I live in] area?  What a fucking city.  What a fucking gauge of life!

. . .

I love texting.  I can hear each and every one of their voices in their texts.

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