Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sick on the subway.

A few Mondays ago, I had not had much sleep, and then worked a full day at school, which included one more cup of coffee than usual, and then did my usual two-and-a-half hour workout at the gym.

The subway ride back was herky-jerky since the driver kept accelerating the train then breaking on and off for no apparent reason, and I felt dehydrated, and the heat was on because the afternoon had been cold though the evening was getting to be warm and muggy.

Between all that, I began feeling sick like 6 stops before home.

So, I stopped reading my book, and closed my eyes and laid back against the seat back.

Like 2 stops before home, I started erping and tasting this banana and orange I had eaten post-gym (like usual), and I started worrying that I might throw up.

So, 1 stop before home, I hopped out, and just sat in the cool breeze on the subway platform - it was cooler there than on the train!.

By the time the next train came along, I was feeling better and was able to go home no problem.

Getting sick like that in the city can really make you realize how along you are, though.

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