Monday, July 2, 2012

Yet another dream!!!

Last night I had an odd dream - I was in this small wooden cabin on a top bunk, and I was a camp counsellor, and there were like all these rambunctious (Mexican) 8 year olds kicking the bunk, talking, etc., so I couldn't get to sleep, and I just stared at the ceiling while the light from a full moon streamed in the window.

(Was this from watching "Moonrise Kingdom" the other week, where one of the main characters was a boyscout leader at camp?)

In the morning, I'm in a convention center next door, and I have a feeling that my redheaded birth mother is there. Near the back wall of the convention, there she is at a small table selling hemp bracelets set out on a small wooden peg tree and handmade soaps and is dressed like a hippie, with her hair pulled back under a Renaissance (sp.?) Faire-style headband, and dressed in in soft flow-y robe over a peasant blouse, the blouse of like an off-white and the robe of earth tones and olive. She seems embarrassed to see me because she's dressed like a hippie, but her daughter is there with the soap in front of her, and tells me how they made up the soap at home as part of a project and are now selling it.

(Was this from passing by a street fair on my way to the beach yesterday, where people were selling homemade clothes toiletries etc.?)

 Then, I'm at this restaurant-bar next door, with a glass wall to the left and a large wooden bar in the middle, and it's very sunny and pleasant. Everyone is there in business suits and very professional clothes, including my birthmother, who is on the other side of the bar from me. Again, she looks embarrassed, and turns away from me slightly to talk to some business-suited men next to her, and she deliberately doesn't catch my eye.

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