Wednesday, November 9, 2011

An Eastern European bartender's stories about stealing crap (2 of 3): Alcoholic.

At this other bar she used to work at, this sweet old alcoholic used to always come in and get one drink - she would limit herself to one drink at one place, as a measure to try to keep herself from drinking too much.

One time, the other (male) bartender was working, and he poured her a white zinfidel (sp.?) and set the bottle on the counter, put her $5 in the register, and turned around to see her holding the bottle up and chugging out of it.

Then, she wiped her mouth and walked out.

A few weeks later, they were changing shifts and the woman was there.

"See, that's the woman I told you about!", the other bartender said, "Charge her for that bottle!"

So, the Eastern European bartender did, and the old alcoholic woman was nice about it and got her new drink and paid for the old bottle and apologized and everything.

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