Monday, October 31, 2011

Friday night on the subway, Halloween weekend.

So Friday after class I stuck around to work all day and then go to the gym, then I met friends at the student bar, and since I stuck around to say hi to the Catalan (he didn't show up till 11pm), I set out for home very late.

Just as we were getting to downtown, the only people on the subway car was this (fat) (tired-looking) (middle-aged) (black) woman and two young (black) guys, and when we pull up to this station and the subway doors opened, there was just this shrieking coming in, and we all look out to see like 10-12 (early 20s) (white) girls dressed up in very skimpy outfits and all drunk off their ass and one crying and shouting at the top of her lungs while the makeup from her face ran because of her tears, "WAIT, WE CAN'T GET ON NOW, WE HAVE TO TAKE THE NEXT TRAIN, WE HAVE TO WAIT FOR..."

At that, the (black) woman just lifted up her fat arm and shook her finger and looked off nowhere in particular and said loudly and firmly, "Aww, hell no."

And, the guys started shouting out, "Yeah, that's right, take the next train!"

Fortunately, the doors did close, and that huge group had to wait for the next train.

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