Saturday, September 3, 2011

Funky watermelon.

The other day I was translating Latin over breakfast, when I noticed that some pens and pencils I had out on the table were sitting in a pool of water. They were near the produce (apples, bananas, etc.) that I keep out on the table, so I looked to see if any had unexpectedly gone rotten and liquified, and none seemed to have, but when I turned over the perfectly good watermelon I had gotten 2 days earlier, there was this big pile of foam bubbles on its underside.

I didn't get that, so I wiped it off and set it down and started wiping down the table and looking for the source of water.

I couldn't find it at all, though, then I looked at the watermelon, and there was a small stream of bubbles escaping out of a very very small gash on the surface


I took it to the sink and cut into it, and there was this big whoosh of gasses, and it smelled like a fermenting pumpkin.

I take it that that small gash was enough to let bacteria enter, and the whole watermelon went bad because of it.

I left it in a plastic bag by my door to take it out to the trash later, and the whole bag filled up with pink pumpkin-smelling liquid, too. Fortunately that didn't leak when I took it out to the dumpster in back of my apartment building.

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