Sunday, May 29, 2011

A (black) person story (I of II): Cab ride.

A bus was way late (I was at school and needed to go meet a friend downtown; one bus dropped off the schedule, so I was waiting 35 minutes), and this older (black) lady in a jacket with a Post Office uniform underneath and a walker was talking to some (black) (male) coworker who was also late, and they went to hail a cab, and since they seemed interesting and the bus would have been packed, I chased after them and ended up sharing a cab downtown.

The older (black) lady was telling me how her son runs a store that sells cologne and cosmetics, and I should stop by. She told me the intersection, but I couldn't picture it, and then when I asked her what it was near, she was like, "Oh, you know, that lingerie store," and as soon as I said that, I was like, "Oh, there!", and she chuckled and said, "Somehow, everyone knows what that is!".

She was also saying how her husband used to own a store (a restaurant, actually), and he got shot down 24 years ago, and her son who was 6months old then is now following in his footsteps.

She said they caught the guys, but there was a payoff to the judge and they got off.

She also said she heard a rumor that they went in to scare him so they could buy up the property, but then things got out of hand, so she went to meet the guys who shot him and told them, "You could have just asked him, he would have sold it, but you shot the wrong person, because now you're dealing with me, and I'm not selling."

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