Thursday, January 20, 2011

Meat and Coats.

1) Yesterday I was cutting up stew beef to make beef barley soup, and I got really nauseated and had to go lay down and put my legs up to keep from fainting... I hadn't had lunch, had already had habanero peppers sauteeing near me, and the room was really hot, so I think that contributed to it. I started cutting again after everything seemed fine, but then I felt faint again, so I just fired in the last three (big) pieces of meat.

2) Whenever I wear my overcoat, a ton of people (both men and women) catch my eyes and smile at me. I wonder if it's because people think I'm rich? I have another gray coat that's very nice and upscale, but people never flirt with me when I'm in that.


Anonymous said...

What color is the overcoat?

el blogador said...

black, like my coffee.