Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thurs. / Fri. -- Movie / Piss.

Thurs. night I went to go see the "only screened twice in Kansas City back in the early 50s" Robert Altman-written movie "Corn's-a-Poppin'". As it turns out, the reason he never discusses it in interviews is that it's really, really bad.

Fri. morning I took up and I needed to piss like a racehorse and I also needed to shit, too, so I sat down, and I just let loose pissing, only it somehow went up the bowl and ricocheted off the inside of the rim and onto my boxers and got them all wet, and the worst part was that I had eaten some asparagus off a vegetable plate at a reception, so my boxers got all wet with asparagus piss and I had to put on a new pair. I tried wiping the excess piss off the boxers and the tile with toilet tissue, but there was a lot that got soaked in the boxers, and since I haven't washed my bathroom floors in a while the toilet tissue just soaked up all this piss with lint clotted in it, and the whole thing looked fuck-nasty.


JUSIPER said...

Looks like you might be a double minority. Not just Puerto Rican but asparagus pee positive.

Anonymous said...

it might have looked nasty but it sounds worse written in a blog

JUSIPER said...

I have a feeling there's only a handful of Altman's movies (he seems to have made something like eighty) that I would actually like.