Friday, February 13, 2009


I've been running a minor experiment the past few months and clipping my nails, shaving my pencils, etc., into my bathroom sink, to see if it will clog up, or if the shit I put into it will go down the drain or decompose or whatever. The other night I trimmed my pubes and armpits into it, and that was what finally backed it up, after all these months, so now whenever I put the water on, water with sludge and my pubic hair floating on top gets backed up and just sits there swimming around slowly while the water takes forever to drain, and since I'm too earth-conscious to trust Draino or something else chemical that would remove the clog, I have no idea how long this will keep happening for.

I wonder, too, what will happen if friends come over and use the bathroom and turn on the sink faucet there, and see my pubes floating around on top of the water.

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