Saturday, December 27, 2008


I had dinner with my friend at her parents' house the other night... Her dad is the brother of my one friend's mom who's a kind of New-Age-y 2nd wave feminist who sweeps around the house wearing a muu-muu all the time and smokes a lot, and exudes this very comforting vibe.

Anyways, he was saying one time he went hunting with her ex-husband, and he came across some deer shit and he picked it up and rolled it between his fingers, and was like, "This is five hours old."

"Hmph, I'm never shaking hands with him again," a friend of my one friend's dad was like, who was also over for dinner.

Later, the one friend of my one friend's dad, who is on disability and runs the local food pantry, was saying that the worst thing is when people don't give an answer right away when you ask them how many people are in the house, since you can tell they're thinking up some inflated number and how to justify it, and you have to challenge them since the number of people going there is up and donations are down. There's been a lot of lying lately, he said.

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