Monday, December 15, 2008


My friend also said that when she was an undergrad at the University of Iowa, it was mostly smart kids from small towns and not rich families who went to UI, while richer kids would go out of state - that is, unless they had really bad test scores, in which case they went to UI and usually were the frat kids and partied a lot and were always on the verge of flunking out. So, not only were they rich kids, but dumb rich kids, she said.

Anyhow, she was saying the worse time ever was one spring when kids were moving out for the summer, and these kids had tossed a lot of good stuff (furniture, electronics, that sort of stuff) on the curb since they were moving, and when they saw people picking through it, they came out and told them to go away, and started smashing their shit they didn't want up so no one else could have it.

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