Friday, November 7, 2008

E-mail from my mom.

Got this today:

Hi Guy.

[A neighbor from a few doors down] was in.......... [His son] was on his way to Los Angeles for a paper presentation........ [The neighbor's son] said an absolutely gorgeous gal was in the seat next to him.........they started talking...........she was very interested in his bieng a veterinarian............ [The neighbor's son] asked her what she did for a living..............turns out she makes porno films. Says it took a while for his jaw to get off his lap...........she makes more $ in one week than he makes or will make all year. His friends in LAX did not believe him, but he had the website for them to check. What a hoot, no?

Well, working all weekend.............



JUSIPER said...

Ésta es una bloga magnífica.

el blogador said...

!Y una madre!