What I've found interesting is that I've been reading this just a little after reading Athanasius of Alexandria's "Life of Antony", the great holy man of the Egyptian desert and one of the pre-eminent models for a Christian saintly life in all of history.
Anyhow, what they don't tell you when you start reading the "Life of Antony" is that a good two-thirds of it is discourses on demons and their ways, and the text deals at length with how demons because they are points of consciousness that are not omnipresent like God, but are bodiless, can travel here and there in almost no time, and by means of this pose as givers of prophecies and information that appears miraculous...
An example is someone starting on a journey to surprise someone, the demon sees this and tells you in a vision that that someone will arrive in two days, and they'll likely be right, since they've just seen someone depart and they know the road takes about two days, barring interruptions. So, when you get this info, you think it's prophecy, when really it's just well-founded conjecture based on demon-accessible information.
My question is this: How does John Edward knows he's communicating with dead people, since couldn't it just be demons who've observed the dead when they were alive and are just now posing as dead people? It seems a hard thing for him to prove, that what he's communicating with is dead people.
I wonder, too, if he's thought of this. He's mentioned in the book that he believes in angels, so if he believes in them, you'd think he'd also believe in demons (=evil angels), and would see the crux of the matter.
Plus, I bet religious people tell him he's talking with demons all the time.
One idea:
He knows that they're really the departed, since they bring fruits of comfort to the living (i.e., you can tell what kind of spirits they are by the results of the contact).
Have you ever seen the spoof of him on South Park? Priceless!
Have you ever seen the spoof of him on South Park? Priceless!
Have you ever seen the spoof of him on South Park? Priceless!
I think he's full of crap.
Why do you think he's full of crap? I went to a spiritualist church once where they talked with the dead and it seemed very genuine.
That doesn't make John Edward genuine.
why do you think he's not genuine?
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