Friday, September 26, 2008

I'm starting to feel sorry for Sarah Palin.

I'm starting to feel sorry for Sarah Palin. She's out of her league and her answers to interviewers are starting to show that, and I think it's made her very uncomfortable. It must be hard for her to go through, to be in this national spotlight and be so unprepared, even though she's in this position because of greed and is in some sense punishing herself because she wants too much too soon and is grasping at power and prestige. On the one hand she could be a John Waters villainess, but on the other hand, she could be a tragic figure in the hands of the right director. I bet she cries a lot at night.


JUSIPER said...

There's a nice piece in the NYT on this. I will send it to you.

I don't think she cries at night.

Anonymous said...

It does sound like a John Waters film without Divine!