Thursday, June 5, 2008

Iron Man - Batman Begins - Speed Racer.

So, I went to go see "Iron Man" last night. Despite all the good things I heard about it, it kind of sucked. The plot was really inconsistent, and often stupid. People had said it was good, so I was expecting it to be good on the level of "Batman Begins", but it wasn't at all, saddly.

On another note, my friend who I went to go see "Speed Racer" with the other day confessed that when we were walking to the theater and all of a sudden I sniffed and was like, "I smell pot", it was actually her cigarette she was smoking, since it was a hybrid. Interestingly, the other two people I've met who have said they want to see the movie have also said that they want to get high before they go see it.


Unknown said...

Batman Begins was the last good superhero movie.

el blogador said...

I think the sequel this summer will be the next good one.