Monday, February 11, 2008

Two Commandments of a King Pimp (of Twelve).

Also from Gholson's The Pimp's Bible: The Sweet Science of Sin, pp. 48-49:

#2. He must be able to control at least 7 to 8 females at the same time. One for each day of the week and if he has the Detroit spirit, the 8th one is a lottery girl. She just keeps his lottery intact. He must handle them with cleverness, shrewdness, intelligence and care, but never with an iron fist...

#5. He never lets a female be equal with him; Equal Rights (ER) are just a fantasy; it will come back to normal pretty soon. Refuse to have oral sex with your woman unless it is your desire. Do not accept "if you do me, I'll do you." She was put on this eart to serve men. She may enjoy the thrill that comes with oral lovemaking but deep in the back of her mind she losses respect for you.

The only animals you see licking their sex organs are cats and dogs. The female knows that during a month's time, her vagina accepts so much filth that nature forces a cleaning-out period (menstrual cycle).

In the book's other anecdotes, so pimps do seem to really have one girl who hangs around just to take lottery numbers and go get tickets at the corner store.


JUSIPER said...

Who wrote this?

el blogador said...

A local black guy who was a big pimp in the 40s/50s/60s (died in the early 2000s, says everything went downhill in pimping with the introduction of crack).