Monday, February 25, 2008


The stoner wall-eyed undergrad who lives diagonally above me and her nasty-ass stoner boyfriend decided to start playing foosball at 11pm yesterday night, so I went up and asked them to stop, which they did. The boyfriend is a jackass, since he wants me to tell him when I'm up, so they have the liberty to play foosball whenever during those hours, but I won't, since my position is that that bullshit doesn't belong in a residential apartment building, and if they want to play foosball to move back to the dorm, since when I'm home I want peace and quiet since that's what I pay good money for my apartment for, peace and quiet.


JUSIPER said...

Maybe you're paying too much money--or do apartments with fewer brats cost even more?

el blogador said...

No, the girl is having her boyfriend live there and they're splitting rent so it's super cheap for them, even though it's forbidden by the lease. The landlord knows this and is biding her time to throw them out, I think.

JUSIPER said...

No one can live with their boyfriends/girlfriends in your building?

el blogador said...

It's in the lease. The apartments are good for one person, but not more, and you get a lot of crazy shit in the city, and the people don't want low-class people who can each scrape together $300 a month to share a small apartment in the building. You can definitely have people stay over, though.