Friday, November 16, 2007

This week /Last night / This morning / This afternoon.

This week I was throwing out my kitchen trash, which, as usual, is coffee grounds and eggshells and fruit peels and used teabags, but since they were encased in old plastic takeout trays -- since I live on old takeout that I get free through connections, I reuse the plastic takeout trays for kitchen waste so I use less trashbags -- when I went to go throw out the bins in the trashcan outside my door, the homeless guy who is on the corner always selling newspapers saw that and was like, "Food!", and ran towards the barrel after I chucked my shit in it and probably turned up my mixture of coffee grounds and eggshells and fruit peels and used teabags encased in plastic takeout trays. I felt awful all day.

Last night when I was crossing the street at the crosswalk, this white cellphone-using yuppie jackass in an SUV didn't seem like he'd stop, which scared the shit out of me. I almost slammed my hands against the hood like I sometimes do, but for whatever reason I didn't and just walked on by, and all of a sudden behind me I heard this guy saying, "Man, I thought he wasn't gonna stop!", and it was this black thug guy in baggy pants and a sports jacket. I said I thought the same and was going to whack his hood, but I've tried not to do that lately since you don't know who's in the car and if they're wrapped tight. The guy agreed with me and went off on his way.

This morning I used some product in my hair, that wax stuff Tennille sold me. It already had a little hair stuck in it when I unscrewed the lid, which made the product less appealing. It reminded me that the most consistenly filthy thing I encountered the times I've been a mover has been the cosmetics drawers of women. It's their hidden shame.

This morning I made sure to close the doors to my dining room so that room would get colder and the refrigerator will use less energy in my absence.

This morning someone was telling me about this one guy they know whose first name is "Epluribus", though he goes by his initials.

This morning I was reading about the dwindling membership of the Moorish Science Temple.

This morning I assembled a list of all the popular songs I know that use castanets, so that once I leave for a long weekend this afternoon, a long weekend in which I almost certainly won't be blogging, my faithful readers will have something to do instead of reading new posts that won't be there -- that is, think of more popular songs that use castanets, and post these songs in the "comments" to this post:

1) the Diamonds' "Little Darling"

2) the Ronnettes' "Be My Baby"

3) Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart"

(I think the new Hairspray musical song "I Can Hear the Bells" uses castanets as a retro touch, but I don't think I should count it since it's not really popular music.)


el blogador said...

I personally love how in the Ronnettes video the two other Ronnettes are hidden behind the dangling mats and then are revealed mid-song. It's pretty sweet.

JUSIPER said...

That was an excellent post.

JUSIPER said...

BTW I got my hair cut. But the illegal who used to cut it mysteriously disappeared. And they raised the rate from $10 to $15.